Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What we didn't know?

Teaser: "Coming up, what we found out today about what really happened the day President Reagan was shot." [Wow, you mean he wasn't shot after all? No, that wasn't it. And everything in the follow-up we already knew, so what was with the teaser?]

Monday, March 21, 2011

Coming and going

"2% of our food is exported from Japan."
[Do I have to explain?]

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Posting a quote at a reader's request, from a newspaper: "People who run at least three times a week are more likely to live than people who don't."
[Thus running could lead to eternal life.]

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dead or alive

And the always popular toss: "Reporting live from Sylvan hill..."
[I always thought it worked better than reporting dead from Sylvan hill...]


"And that tsunami, that wave, was traveling as fast as an airline."

[Delta or Southwest?]


"Send us your photos. And here's a tip: use the landscape or portrait setting."
[Umm, versus the diagonal setting?]


On scene of the tornado aftermath: "You can see they have already taken measures to protect property, such as the scaffolding around this building."
[She's standing in front of chain link fence.]